Friday, November 16, 2012

Unions Strike Again - Hostess Workers can thank union for their new-found unemployment.

Unions claim to be the backbone of our great country.  Unions have done some good things for workers over the years but these few instances are but an oasis in the desert of evil and vile consequences that only workers and the innocent citizens of this country truly have to face.  Union officials often are able to sit safely exempt from any negative effects.

Take for example Hurricane Sandy in which union officials turned away voluntary help from non-union power company employees who traveled at their own expense from Decatur, Alabama.  Who faced the consequences of this?  Not the union officials sat in their safe homes with power, food, and drinking water.  Meanwhile, over a million people suffered without power...some without access to food and many without safe drinking water were the ones who truly suffered.  As these innocent people suffered, a project was under way to ensure that the Statue of Liberty would have its power restored.  Millions may have had to continue without power as volunteer power company employees were turned away for not being in the union, but at least we can rest assured a hunk of metal offering no food, power, drinking water, or shelter to anyone has had its power restored.

Now, we can see the power of the Unions at work again.  The Hostess company employing over 18,000 people has lost enough money from a week long strike they have had to declare bankruptcy.  Now, due to a union's greed and hunger for power over 18,000 people have lost their jobs.  They now have to concern themselves with the fear of where they will get the money to pay their rent, feed their families, etcetera.  Of course, the media may try to twist this into blaming the Hostess Company, but if not for the union these people would still have their jobs and the means to take care of their families.

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