Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Revisiting an old blog...

I came across the below blog that I had written on another site before I got married.  I thought I would repost this:

There are things I need in my wife that are unconditional.  I wouldn't even consider dating a girl that didn't meet the below qualities.

She must be a non-drinker.  She doesn't have to believe that drinking is wrong, she must at least view it as foolish.
She must be a non-smoker and believe smoking to be a sin.
She must be against using drugs.
She must be against books/movies which contain magic (e.g. Harry Potter, Star Wars, etcetera).
She can not swear.
She must dress modestly.
She must be a Christian (not roman catholic, mormon, jehovah's witness, seventh day adventist and other such false religions).
She must recognize the spiritual authority of the husband in the household just as I recognize the important role of the wife as the advisor.  Neither is inferior, both are equal in importance and value.
She must be opposed to abortion no matter what the circumstance and view it as murder and sin.
She must be opposed to homosexuality and view it as sin.
She must be opposed to pre-marital sex.
She should be at least willing to not promote or condone the use of santa clause or such related cartoons with Christmas and not to include the Christmas tree and mistletoe in Christmas celebration.
She should be opposed to the Easter holiday as it is celebrated concerning the easter bunny and the egg hunting.
She should be opposed to the concept of the tooth fairy.

The awesome thing about the above blog is that now I have been married for 4 years and the Lord has blessed me with a wife that meets all these credentials.  She is a wonderful wife, loving, caring, and compassionate.  Isn't God awesome!!!

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